From Mom to Business Mom.
Let me introduce myself.
Read about my personal story and how the most challenging and miserable time in my life led me to starting an online business and becoming a digital entrepreneur who does not trade time for money anymore and does what she loves every single day.
There is nothing special about me. I am an everyday person just like you.
But I am - if you are reading this by now - most likely several steps ahead of you.
Because I have already made the decision. The decision to live my life on my terms.
My name ist Anna, I am a 34 year-old Berliner-by-choice, having my roots in Russia. (If you have Russian connection as well, you understand why this is actually an important information here ;-) ) I have a 1-year-old son with a rare chronic illness.
I allow myself to spend time with my family whenever I decide to.
I allow myself to take vacation whenever I want and as long as I want, not depending on a contract I once signed, where - if you are lucky living in Germany - is noted 30 days per year. 30 out of 365? I mean c’mon!
And this is where you come in: I am here to help you allowing yourself to make this decision as well. If you start and take one step after another by allowing yourself to turn your dreams - whatever those might be - into reality - magic happens 🙂 If you learn and believe that this is possible for you, there is NO WAY it won’t happen for you as well as it did for me. It might take time but it will eventually happen. As I said - there is absolutely nothing special about me. What I can do - you can do as well and maybe even better and faster! Why faster? Hang on for finally reading my very personal story….
I am going to tell you how the most challenging time in your life can become a gift for your future!
For the last 2 years I hit rock bottom several times. I fell so many times, but I got up again. I cried a lot but then I dried my tears and went on again. I fell in a big black hole but I activated my strength and crawled out of it and into the sunshine again.
Let me just say: crucial break up, job loss, 4 moves, unplanned pregnancy in the middle of the global pandemic are just some of the milestones along a 6 month time frame. But what really led me to where I am now and more importantly who I am now is my experience of becoming a mother.
My baby boy was born 3 months early. After spending 7 months and 5 days in intensive care never leaving the hospital area, tied to several machines and trembling for his life, I realised that I want him to step into a world where he understands that he is the creator of his life. I wanted him to practice gratitude for life every single day. I also understood that I was the one to show him the way. I decided to be a role model and a mentor for him. Not only did I want to strengthen my connection with him from the very beginning but I also wanted to show him how the power of deciding on what life we are going to have from now on unfolds!
Think about it: The amount of your former decisions has brought you where you are now. So if you decide on doing things differently from now on - don’t you think that the output may turn out differently as well? I surely thought that and this is how it turned out for me. Due to my son's complex medical condition and my urge for time freedom and independence I decided to find a way of building a career with my laptop to have full flexibility.
And this is how my digital journey started.
Being a virtual assistant, social media manager, student counselor, sales person and network marketer I now found a business model which aligns 1000 percent with me and what I am really passionate about! Think about it: We live in a digital century where you order food, clothes, electronics, furniture and even a date online! Almost 5 billion people are online, including you. Around 4.6 billion are using Social Media. If you do this smart - you are able to get paid for being yourself on social media. As simple as that.
I can truly say for myself that I am living my best life.
I am a loving mother.
I am a nurse to my son.
I run an online business.
I am also a woman who likes to dress up and who feels good and sexy in her body and decides every single day how she wants to spend her precious time.
I do things that I love every single day, not depending on someone else's rules or schedule.
Disclaimer: Of course I have bad days and challenges as well, in my private life as well as in my business. But I take on those challenges, own them and grow on them instead of rolling myself in negative thoughts and problems.
Let me tell you THE ONE SECRET behind all of this: It all starts within you. If you change the way you look at things the things and thus your life changes.
As I said at the beginning: I am nothing special. This is possible for you as well. Your journey is only ONE decision away! As simple as that.
Are you ready to take the first step?